Monday, July 16, 2012

Chapter 4: Provincial America and the Struggle for a Continent

1. Why was it difficult to sustain both continual expansion and the Anglicization of the colonies at the same time?

The population of Britain was increasing exponentially and therefore required twice as many lawyers, physicians, colleges, craftsman, printers, sailors, and unskilled laborers.

2. What was the 'Great Awakening' and how did its ideas spread through the colonies?

The Great Awakening was a vast religious revival that occurred in the Protestant world in the 1730s and 1740s. It began to spread through evangelical priests and presbyterian churches preaching through revivals or emotional responses to the words of god that eventually converted several people.

3. Why did the 'experiment' of Georgia fail?

The experiment in Georgia failed because the land system failed, settlers smuggled in rum, the trustees dropped the ban on alcohol, half the population died, imported slaves and surrendered their charter to the parliament.

4. Explain the causes and consequences of the French and Indian War

The French and Indian war was caused by the refusal of George Washington to surrender the Ohio front and dispute for the west territories of North America as a result Britain attained Canada.

5. What was the economy and society that emerged in the Old South?

The Old South produced an economy and society of wealthy slave-holding planters.

Task System
Owner assigns task every morning to slave, when completed slave has the day to his/herself.

Gang Labor
a system where planters organized their field slaves into gangs, supervised them closely and kept them working in the fields all day. (Tobacco Plantations

Molasses Act
tax on foreign molasses, meant to heighten england trade, caused smuggling

Jonathan Edwards
congregationalist of the college of new jersey, grandson and successor of Solomon stoddard, produced many revival texts. a faithful narrative of the suprising work of god he explained what a revival is, an emotional response to god.

George Whitfield
talented young amateur actor who joined the holy club at oxford and became and angelican minister. had the power to move masses of people and preached the "new birth".
Stono Rebellion
1739 governor of spanish florida offers liberty to slaves who can make it to florida, force of 20 slaves attack a store at stono killing the owner, seizing weapons and moving forward to florida. None of the rebels make it.

War of Jenkins's Ear
1739 named for the ship capain who displayed his detached ear as a demonstration of spanish cruelty.  broke out the war between Britain and Spain. 1744 france joins spain in the war aganist britain, king georges war.

Removal of sailors from American ships by British naval officers

'Join or Die'
1754 Pennsylvania gazette, Benjamin franklin. a month later he drafts short hints towards a scheme for uniting the northern colonies. Ask for a president general to be elected in 3 year terms by the crown and for deputies to be apportioned according to tac receipts. that the union have power to raise soldiers , build forts, levy taxes, etc. Albany congress adopted ammended version.

Edward Braddock
1755 General of british armly led britain the ground by alienating the indians and marching to monongahela. irregular war in forests made uneasy. Shirley apppointed second in command for coming with a plan single expedition aimed at one fort to be followed by others.

Peace Of Paris
1763 Britain returned Martinique and Guadeloupe toFrance. France urrenedered several minor west indian islands abd all north america east of louisian except new orleans to britain.  Spain ceded florida for havana nd promised to pay ransom for Manila to britain. France compensated spanish allies with new orlean sand all of louisiain west of mississipi  . British and colonies cuold develop imperial parenterships to prosper. Indians unhappy france surrenderd there lands to britain when no one conquered them.

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