Chapter 22: Becoming a World Partner
1. What were the
causes of the Spanish American War?
As Roosevelt
approached the 20th century he realized the depression had greatly stripped
America from its vast wealth and prosperity. Even despite the objections of
America valuing power of liberty, Roosevelt moved forward and took an
opportunity to imperialize and take over the world trade. In 1898, America went
to war with Spain exposing an opportunity to upgrade its military, acquire more
colonies, and be an influence to Europe and Asia.
2. Over what
countries did the US exert control between 1898 and 1917 and what were the
mechanisms of control?
The US exerted
control over the Virgin Islands, Hawaii, and Cuba through imperial acquisition
and military, specifically naval force.
3. What were the
similarities and differences in the foreign policies of Roosevelt, William
Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson?
All three were
progressive reformers however their foreign policies had their similarities and
differences. Roosevelt sought out a square deal, and was essentially an
advocate of war. He believed that the US was superior and in turn needed to
exercise its ability and build a military superior to other. He sought a
balance of power amongst the industrial nations through negotiation rather than
war. William Howard Taft seemed to direct toward expanding corporate investment
overseas which many called "the dollar diplomacy". Essentially he
supported friendly governments, sought to expand economic investments overseas,
and maintained order in Latin America. Woodrow Wilson sought to safeguard the
US's foreign investment while supporting and pushing democracy onto the other
nations. In Mexico Wilson believed that a US style democratic government would
that the property rights would be respected and US investments would stay
The queen who was
put into power after the Hawaiian king was deposed during the political and
economic instability of Hawaii caused by the tensions of American sugar
plantations. However the queen sought to establish independence from America
and evidently, her regime too was overthrown.
Frederick Jackson:
A famous American
Historian who was famous for his vision of the frontier he delivered at the
American Historical Association of Chicago in 1893 entitled "The
significance of the Frontier in American History". He claimed that the
expansion into the frontier expanded nationalism, democracy, individualism, and
further expanded opportunities of advancement.
Alfred Thayer
One of the most popular
imperialists, known for his novel " The Influence of Sea Power Upon
History", exclaimed that all great powers beginning with Rome had a strong
naval military and controlled the seas. He also called to America to strengthen
their naval power and exert their power to be known internationally. He also
explained the necessity for a canal across Central America for US ships to cut
through quickly for war. Evidently this became the Panama Canal.
Randolph Hearst:
Owner of the New
York journal, Hearst revolutionized the newspaper by seeking out sensational
and shocking stories to illustrate them in lurid detail. However they were accused
of compelling readers with their titillating detail when true reports did not
appear dramatic enough to boost circulation.
John Hay:
The secretary of
state during John McKinley’s presidency that played a large role in the
diplomatic tactics toward the Chinese and the open door policy. He sent open
door notes asking the powers to grant reasonable harbor fees, respect
China's sovereignty by enforcing their tariff duties and open it's Chinese
sphere of influence to the merchants.
Rough Riders:
Much decorated Calvary
unit organized Roosevelt to fight Cuba in 1898. During the Spanish American war
1 million men volunteered to fight. Amongst the Calvary was a regiment of Rough
Riders who fought along side Negros. However, despite the great brevity their
role was greatly downplayed.
Treaty of Paris:
The Treaty of
Paris ended the American Revolutionary war and established America's
independence from Great Britain.
Open Door:
In order to
achieve America’s foreign policy objectives, John Hays opted to diplomatic
strategy as opposed to military strategy. To prevent break up and to preserve
the economic access to the whole of China, America sent open door notes asking
the powers to grant reasonable harbor fees, respect China's sovereignty by
enforcing their tariff duties and open it's Chinese sphere of influence to the
Ensuring US
dominance of the Western Hemisphere was once of Roosevelt's first prioritized
foreign policy objectives. As a result he established a corollary to the Monroe
doctrine, which stated that any intervention in American politics would be
considered hostility against the states. Roosevelt further declared that the US
had the right to intervene in domestic affairs of nations in the Western
Hemisphere to obstruct European advancement and prevent disorder. It was
similar to the policy set against Cuba and Guam.
The Hay-Pauncefote
Treaty released the prohibition of either country building a Central American
Canal without the others participation (GB). Roosevelt then immediately
asked his advisers to construct a route across Nicaragua. However the owner of
the already nearly finished Panamanian Canal asked 100 million for the
territory, later on the price went down to 40 million and congress approved.
This became later known as the Panama Canal.
Chinese exclusion
The land of
opportunity was quite compelling for a vast number of immigrants, however many
of the immigrants populated from Asia, specifically China and Japan. As a
result of the overload of Chinese and Japanese immigrants, the US government
put a halt to their immigration. The Chinese exclusion act was implemented in
1882 restricting Asians from migrating to the US. Further on, society would not
condone the migration and began to segregate Asian school children releasing to
the press that it would "contaminate" the other white students. Japan
then reached a "gentleman's agreement" with the US and halted
immigration. As a result Roosevelt pledge for Japanese equality.
Porfirio Diaz:
Diaz was the
dictator of Mexico who was overthrown by democratic forces led by Francisco
Madero leading to the Mexican Revolution in 1910. However, the US was not happy
as Madero spoke of democratic reform scaring the foreign investors whom owned
90% of it's real estate, oil reserves, real estate, etc. As a result Madero was
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